Dreams of White Tiles . . .


Making WordPress Chinese

Filed under: Uncategorized — Roddy @ 10:01 am

I’ve just converted the wordpress system for 出语不俗 to Chinese. It was very easy, the only problem was that the instructions I found online made it sound more complicated that it was, and tells you a lot about the localization process which basically you don’t need to know. So . . .
1) Get the zh_CN.mo file from the incredibly helpful Chinese WordPress folk. Unzip it.
2) Create a ‘languages’ directory in the wp-includes directory, and upload the .mo file there.
3) In your wp-config file, change define (‘WPLANG’, ”); to define (‘WPLANG’, ‘zh_CN’);
4) Sit back and be amazed at how easy it was

The only problem is that I couldn’t figure out how to edit the .mo file – whatever I try to open it with, it comes out as garbage, but if you have a look at the WordPress Localization page you should be able to figure it out. You would only need to edit it if you’ve customized things.


  1. I can’t believe you’re making me fool with all that in a totally Chinese enviroment. Posting in Chinese is tough enough for me at this stage. Now I have to work out all those directions. You’re a 21st century Marquis de Sade.

    Comment by Prince Roy — 10/24/2004 @ 2:16 pm

  2. Sure, as you said, I made it sound more complicated that it was.
    I’ll change it next time:)

    Comment by lemonhall — 10/25/2004 @ 7:32 pm

  3. Lemonhall, I didn’t mean your page – I actually meant the wordpress wiki page

    Comment by Roddy — 11/4/2004 @ 12:04 am

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