Dreams of White Tiles . . .


HSK Vocab Database updated

Filed under: Uncategorized — Roddy @ 6:25 pm

Finally got around to doing more on the HSK Vocab Database today – description of what’s new here. Time for beer now, as I’ve just spent far too long trying to correct errors in the database and my eyes hurt. And beer will help.


  1. Yay! Some people have been looking forward to this.

    Comment by John — 12/19/2004 @ 10:04 am

  2. Roddy, I emailed you recently and you mentioned your HSK site – I did not actually know you had any other site than Chinese-forums.com until you said that, and I have just discovered your dreamsofwhitetiles site, which seems like a link to a lot of high quality sites. But unfortunately, your HSK site itself is down. I wonder how it is going and how different it is in concept from what I have just begun.

    Comment by David Webb — 6/28/2005 @ 8:32 pm

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