Dreams of White Tiles . . .


No Mooncakes

Filed under: Uncategorized — Roddy @ 11:56 pm

First Mid-Autumn Festival I’ve spent in China and not had great big boxes of inedible (to me, anyway) mooncakes to dispose of somehow. This is a benefit of not having an employer that I hadn’t thought of previously.

I”m not sure why I have such a dislike of mooncakes. I think it comes back to my first mooncake, many moons ago, which looked a bit like a pork pie. So I thought, naturally enough, ‘Yay, a pork pie’ and took a big disappointing bite. I have the same feelings towards the little cubes of beef jerky you get wrapped up in bright foil like sweets – years of Pavlovian conditioning as a child have left me assuming that anything small wrapped up in bright foil will be a sweetie, and sweeties are good. Then you unwrap it and it’s a bit of spicy dried beef – which I would actually quite like to eat if it didn’t try and cheat me into thinking it was a Cadbury’s eclair or something.

A few weeks ago I came across bags of tiny pressed cubes of fish meat, again wrapped in bright foil, on the supermarket shelves. I was just thinking ‘What on earth will they do next?’ when I noticed what was next to them – bags of tiny pressed cubes of fish meat, again wrapped in bright foil – “with wasabi!”


  1. Is pressed cubes of fish meat ‘鱼片’? and what is ‘wasabi’?

    Comment by chenpv — 9/19/2005 @ 2:17 am

  2. wasabi is 日本芥辣/芥末. Take a look -> http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B1%B1%E8%91%B5.

    Comment by skylee — 11/17/2005 @ 7:19 am

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